The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most popular and profitable film franchises of all time, collectively amassing over $17 billion in global box office in its first decade, and even more through merchandising, television shows, video games and comic books. Disney, who originally purchased Marvel for $4 billion back in 2009, has done everything they can to maintain their incredibly lucrative investment.
Must act like a superhero, on- and off-screen
Even when actors step off of a Marvel set, they are expected to always adhere to the Disney image. In addition to generally avoiding controversy, this can include visiting children’s hospitals and similar acts of philanthropy. Scarlett Johansson has maintained this image by working with charitable organizations such as USA Harvest and Oxfam that feed people from impoverished third-world countries. Mark Ruffalo stepped up to the plate when he brought more attention to the Standing Rock protests with his opposition of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Ruffalo would regularly join the Natives of Standing Rock during their protests, and even donated two Navajo-made solar trailers to provide shelter, heat, and power for the protesters during the winter months.
Tough diet and exercise
In order to become an Avenger, MCU actors are required to complete demanding workout routines every day and maintain a strict diet, specially formulated to mold them into a superhero physique. Most Marvel actors are obligated to log around two hours of gym time a day and keep a diet consisting of mainly boiled chicken and dried oats. These requirements are taken very seriously, and actors are given warnings if they miss even a single workout.
Spoilers are just plain bad. Not only do they ruin the movie, but knowing how it all goes down might prevent a filmgoer from attending the movie at all. On the other side of it all, a sizable contingent of Marvel’s passionate fanbase wants to know as much as they can about a movie before it’s released. And so, Marvel subjects its stars to rigorous procedures in order to avoid plot leaks. Even actors only under consideration for roles in the MCU must endure extreme secrecy to even get a look at Marvel scripts.
Must always be prepared for reshoots
Although reshoots are commonplace on most sets, they’re taken very seriously by Marvel. Reshoots in the MCU are prevalent due to the complexities that emerge as several different storylines intersect, such as when heroes like Iron Man and Captain America come together for blockbusters like the Avengers films. In order to maintain continuity across the franchise, reshoots are often needed as the overarching plot evolves. As a part of their contract, all MCU actors are obligated to show up for reshoots, regardless of what project they might currently be working on.
Cannot perform any stunts deemed too dangerous
Although some actors prefer to do their own stunts, Disney contractually prohibits MCU actors from performing any stunts that have been declared too hazardous by the higher-ups. Actors must adhere to these rules because they are practically irreplaceable to Marvel during filming and any serious injuries could severely hinder the production process. This also allows Marvel to save some money that would otherwise go to covering costly insurance for their actors.