Those holding out hope for Deadpool 3 may have to let that go. Or at the very least be prepared for a long wait. This, according to Rob Liefeld, who co-created the character for Marvel Comics, who believes the sequel has set sail at Marvel Studios and that they have zero plans for the character currently.

Rob Liefeld has not been shy about sharing his thoughts regarding how Disney and Marvel have handled Deadpool since the merger with Fox closed last year. He recently made some similarly damning comments. But this time, in a recent interview, he went a step further, casting serious doubt on Deadpool 3. Here’s what he had to say about it.
Ryan Reynolds has been eager to return for Deadpool 3 and recently made some optimistic comments about the future of the character. The actor feels there are infinite possibilities, be it as a standalone franchise or as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Speaking further, Rob Liefeld went so far as to say he isn’t overly fond of Marvel’s plan at the moment.