How great it would be to be able to go out on a date with a favorite superheroe. Probably for some of us our partners are our personal superheroes, but we know that deep down we dream of the God of thunder, beautiful spies stealing classified information, night watchmen, or women with pyrotechnic skills. At some point, everyone has wished to have a date with one of those characters or at least with one of the actors that played them.
But for some people, this dream has come true. Deep in their hearts everyone else envies them because they know it must be fun to be able to say that their husband, wife or even one of their parents has been defeating different villains under the spotlights of the Hollywood cameras. So, let’s stop and think about it for a moment… if being a parent is already a challenge then try to picture being parents and superheroes at the same time. Anyone else would lose their minds! But Commissioner James Gordon once said “[One has] to make a difference. A lot of time it won’t be huge. It won’t be visible even. But it will matter just the same”.
That’s why today we will talk about those actors who have brought the world’s favorite superheroes to life and have had to learn to balance their lives as parents and superheroes in the film industry.
Gal Gadot is an Israeli actress and model, who is best known for her role in films such as Fast and Furious, and for playing the role of Wonder Woman in the film adaptation of DC comics, participating in films such as Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), Wonder Woman (2017) and Justice League (2017).

And according to Forbes, Wonder Woman has become the most successful movie of the D.C franchise, making $ 821.74 million at the box office. Gal, in her life outside of the cameras, is the wife of Yaron Versano, an Israeli businessman. The couple is married since 2008 and they have 2 children, Alma Versano who was born in 2011 and Maya Versano who was born in 2017.
Ben Affleck is an American actor who comes from a long career in the industry, acting in films like Good Will Hunting (1997), Armageddon (1998), and Argo (2012). But recently, Affleck was selected to give life to one of the most important superheroes of DC, Batman, after Christian Bale played the same character from 2005 to 2012. Unfortunately, Affleck did not have the same receptivity in the audience as Bale had. Some dislike him, others love him. In fact, Variety places Affleck among the worst actors who have played the bat on the big screen.

However, beyond being considered one of the worst Batman in history, Ben was married to actress Jennifer Garner from 2005 to 2017, with whom he has 3 children, Violet Affleck who was born in 2005, Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck, who was born in 2009, and Samuel Garner Affleck who was born in 2012.