10 Star Wars Rebels Characters Returning to Disney’s Ahsoka

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By Black Widow

The highly anticipated Disney+ series, Ahsoka, is taking fans on a journey filled with nostalgia by reintroducing beloved characters from Star Wars Rebels. As the show’s title suggests, Ahsoka Tano, portrayed by Rosario Dawson, is at the forefront. Still, the series seamlessly weaves in various characters from the animated series, continuing the storyline that captivated audiences six years ago.

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka, now in live-action, has evolved into a wiser and more experienced character. She undertakes the task of teaching a new padawan, Sabine Wren, off-screen, offering a fresh perspective on her character.


Sabine Wren

This Mandalorian from Clan Wren embarks on a mission to find her lost friend, Ezra Bridger, after the events of Rebels. Her dynamic with Ahsoka is explored in the new series.


Hera Syndulla

General Hera Syndulla, a close ally of Ahsoka, plays a vital role in the New Republic. Her relationship with Ahsoka has deepened since the defeat of the Empire.


Jacen Syndulla

Hera’s son, Jacen, expresses a desire to become a Jedi like “Auntie Sabine,” hinting at his future involvement in the series.



The sassy astromech droid, Chopper, accompanies Hera and continues to be a fan-favorite character.

Ezra Bridger

Ezra’s disappearance into the deepest regions of space sets the stage for a reunion that many in the cast hope for.


The insidious genius, Thrawn, is poised to be a key villain in the series, marking his live-action debut.

Mon Mothma

The legendary Mon Mothma makes an appearance, highlighting her role in the New Republic’s efforts against Thrawn.

Ryder Azadi

This smaller character from Rebels now serves as the Governor of Lothal, showcasing the aftermath of the Empire’s defeat.

Jai Kell

Introduced in Rebels, Jai Kell joins Ryder Azadi and is teased as potentially force-sensitive.

With these familiar faces returning to the Star Wars universe, fans can’t help but speculate about who might show up next in the series. Possibilities include-

Zeb Orellios

A core member of the Rebels team, Zeb’s potential appearance is eagerly anticipated by fans.

Agent Kallus

If Zeb returns, he might bring Agent Kallus along.

Kanan Jarrus

The deceased Jedi’s connections to Hera and Jacen could lead to flashback sequences.

Captain Rex

Temuera Morrison’s Captain Rex may make his live-action debut alongside his friend, Ahsoka Tano.

As Ahsoka continues to unfold on Disney+, it promises to be a treat for both long-time fans and newcomers to the Star Wars universe. The return of these beloved characters from Star Wars Rebels adds depth and nostalgia to the evolving storyline, making the series a must-watch for all Star Wars enthusiasts.